von Max Muth | Apr. 24, 2015 | Allgemeines, Tutorials
If you start running a new server you have some simple and basic stuff to do every time. Here is a short checklist for the really beginning. Server Access / SSH Configuration Login as root-user via SSH Create a new user using adduser username (don’t use...
von Max Muth | Okt. 15, 2014 | Informatik, Tutorials
The All-In-One-Guide for installing Owncloud on a vServer or Root Server running Ubuntu >12.04. # Install Owncloud using openSUSE Build Service # Add the repository key to apt wget...
von Max Muth | Sep. 12, 2014 | Allgemeines, Slider, Tutorials
This is the all in one migrating Tutorial / How To if you plan moving to ownCloud. You are right here, if you are currently using Google Contacts and Google Calendar, or their Apple/Yahoo pendants and would like to take them under your control using ownCloud....
von Max Muth | Juli 19, 2013 | Allgemeines, Informatik
It’s kind of horrible to have multiple pictures in much too large size or similar. In Linux there is a little (well ~12Mb..) sneaky tool called imagemagick that helps out here a lot. It can rotate, resize, converting formats, change (JPEG) compression level,...
von Max Muth | Mai 12, 2013 | Allgemeines, Informatik
Die Windows Suche ist ja nicht schlecht, doch wer schon mal unter Linux gearbeitet hat, wird wissen, dass sie noch nicht die Krone der Schöpfung darstellt. Linux bietet hier ein klasse Programm an: find (über den Link kommst du zu einigen weiteren...