SOME THOUGHTS AND HOW-TO'SAuto-delete files in a directory after a certain time in Nextcloud
I found myself in the position that I have "temporary" files which I upload to my Nextcloud instance that I actually don't want to stay forever (slowly eating up my storage). Reasons for this might be files I only need for a couple of days / weeks. Or large files I...
GitHub: Show others your new feature with GIF’s in issues/PR
It's common to showcase your changes when opening a PR. For android projects, it's easy to use IntelliJ / Android Studio to record your emulators screen, so let's use it! IntelliJ record video Android Settings > Developer Options > Show touches convert video to...
Lesen Sie mehrDesign isn’t how it looks, it’s how it works.
Some points about design
Design isn’t how it looks, it’s how it works.
Open Chrome with extensions disabled from Terminal [Mac OSX]
This is how you can open Chrome from a terminal: Open a Terminal and type open -e ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc if you're using Oh-My-Zsh) Add this to the end of the file: alias chrome='open "/Applications/Google"' This adds an alias called chrome which...
Destructures: New features in JavaScript (ECMASript2015/ES6)
"The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to extract data from arrays or objects using a syntax that mirrors the construction of array and object literals." So why and how to use it: In the current version of...
Debian/Ubuntu Server Setup:Initial checklist: hardening SSH
If you start running a new server you have some simple and basic stuff to do every time. Here is a short checklist for the really beginning. Server Access / SSH Configuration Login as root-user via SSH Create a new user using adduser username (don't use useradd...
[Tutorial] Android Wear Programmierung
Im Nachfolgenden werde ich euch einige Basics zur Programmierung mit Android bzw. spezieller zu Android Wear geben. Es sind leichte Grundkenntnisse von Java und Android von Nöten, um alles zu verstehen. Der ergänzende Code ist lauffähig und es kann nach Belieben mit...
Android Marktanteil weltweit über 80%
"Der Smartphone-Markt hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren massiv verändert. Zum einen ist er inzwischen mehr als viermal so groß wie noch 2010, und zum anderen haben Android und Apple alle anderen Plattformen inzwischen soweit verdrängt, dass man guten Gewissens von...
ownCloud + Google Drive + Encryption -> nice cloud sync (even for Linux)
Problems ...with most current available Cloud storage solutions: No End-To-End encryption No Linux client Too expensive pricing plans It seems like there is no service that beats all of those 3 aspects. So how to sync your files to a cloud, that also supports...
Install Owncloud on vServer or Root Server
The All-In-One-Guide for installing Owncloud on a vServer or Root Server running Ubuntu >12.04. # Install Owncloud using openSUSE Build Service # Add the repository key to apt wget...