von Max Muth | Juli 19, 2017 | Allgemeines, Slider
I found myself in the position that I have „temporary“ files which I upload to my Nextcloud instance that I actually don’t want to stay forever (slowly eating up my storage). Reasons for this might be files I only need for a couple of days / weeks....
von Max Muth | Nov. 19, 2014 | Allgemeines, Tutorials
Problems …with most current available Cloud storage solutions: No End-To-End encryption No Linux client Too expensive pricing plans It seems like there is no service that beats all of those 3 aspects. So how to sync your files to a cloud, that also supports...
von Max Muth | Okt. 15, 2014 | Informatik, Tutorials
The All-In-One-Guide for installing Owncloud on a vServer or Root Server running Ubuntu >12.04. # Install Owncloud using openSUSE Build Service # Add the repository key to apt wget...
von Max Muth | Sep. 18, 2014 | Allgemeines, Slider
So I just wanted to better keep track on the money I have ‚invested‘ in Bitcoin, aswell as tracking my transactions. Sadly the wallets I know are not perfect in doing this by themselves, Coinbase for example shows in the Android App only the BTC value of a...
von Max Muth | Sep. 12, 2014 | Allgemeines, Slider, Tutorials
This is the all in one migrating Tutorial / How To if you plan moving to ownCloud. You are right here, if you are currently using Google Contacts and Google Calendar, or their Apple/Yahoo pendants and would like to take them under your control using ownCloud....